Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Need Cupcakes, Will Travel

Houston, here I come!

This cupcake baker is ready for phase #2 of thesis research! 

For the next week and a half...

I will be visiting, touring, and interviewing managers and owners at cupcake bakeries across Houston.

  • Why Houston?
    • There are lots of bakeries in a fairly concentrated region
    •  Choosing a city outside of AR will allow for comparison of bakeries from different states 
  •  What's the mission?
    • Visit bakeries and gather information and photos
    • Blog about each visit to log the journey and share my research
And it's all thanks to: 
The Schedler Honors College at UCA URGE Grant

1 comment:

  1. Go Erin go! Can't wait for a taste (ha!) of your findings!
